From: Connie Ragen Green
Re: The Weekend Marketer™ Course
Let’s face it – working for someone else will never give you the time and financial freedom to pursue your dreams. But you are probably caught up in the ‘trading time for dollars’ world like most of us have been at one time or another during our lives. Working for a paycheck instead of building wealth is not the solution. Did you know that it’s possible to break free from that world and transition into becoming an online entrepreneur?
Don’t believe you can do it? Let me share what this change in your daily life will do for you:
In short, entrepreneurialism is the key to your future!
Who am I? I’m Connie Ragen Green, a best-selling author, publisher, public speaker, and online marketer who has built a multiple six figure a year business by doing exactly what I teach online. I’m a former classroom teacher and real estate appraiser who wanted to have more time with my family and get involved with some local charities. At the end of 2005 I decided to start an online business, and that’s when I began my journey as a ‘weekend marketer’ before leaving my old life behind for good.
In other words, I make my living doing exactly what I teach. I know first-hand that being able to earn money from home on your computer, or from wherever you happen to be in the world, will enhance your life and everything you do. I’ve run my business from the beach in Santa Barbara, an Internet café in Amsterdam, a hotel lobby in Bangkok, and from my family’s summer cottage on the lake in a remote area of Finland.
My students know that I care deeply about them, and that they can count on me to keep up with and share the latest techniques and advances in online marketing. Whether you’re interested in information product creation, writing and selling eBooks, coaching others, or setting up niche sites, I jump right in and learn the fastest ways to achieve success so that you can learn without making the same mistakes I have.
And I can teach you how to do this profitably, as well.
The world’s economy is constantly changing. I’ve seen so much volatility over the years, including times when interest rates for real estate were at 18%, times when the credit card companies were decreasing consumer’s credit limits every sixty days, and times when almost everyone in my neighborhood feared being let go from their job. Recessions will come and go throughout our lifetimes, but feeling like your future is in the hands of someone else is something you do not want to experience.
I had one neighbor, Joe, whose company had transferred him seven times over a twenty year period. His children were always the ‘new kids’ at school, his wife had given up her career as a librarian, and the entire family felt disconnected from the community they were currently living in because their lives were so temporary. When he received his next layoff notice he went into a deep depression for more than a year. If only I had been able to help him then, but that was before I left the work force and came online. It’s people like Joe who inspire me to teach others these days.
You deserve to call the shots in your life. No one should be able to dictate lifestyle to an adult, and having your own online business will ensure that you are the master of your life choices. Making decisions will never taste as sweet as when they are of your own volition.
Let’s face it. When you are working for someone else, it’s their dreams that matter. Over the years you begin to resign yourself to the idea that your ideas must be put on the back burner. I can remember being a brand new classroom teacher and wanting to share my interests and life experiences with my students. Over the years the system changed so much, and soon I was not allowed to teach anything that wasn’t provided by the administration. No one had any fun in my classroom towards the end of my teaching career.
But when you are in charge of your life and your business, everything is different. My most recent foray into the classroom was as a volunteer for a project through my Rotary Club. The children had so much fun learning because we planned activities that were grade appropriate and filled with joy and laughter. Now that’s what school should be like all of the time!
I created The Weekend Marketer™ Course because I saw so many people struggling with the idea of coming online to build a business. Like me, they were stuck between two worlds – trying to work at their current job or career and keeping it from sucking their life away, one day at a time, and wanting to make that jump to working from their home computer and replacing their income so they could be online on a full-time basis. I burned my bridges to do this, but that’s not something I would recommend for anyone with a family to support.
Making the decision to leave my previous life behind and become a full-time entrepreneur was not an easy one, but one I felt I had to make nonetheless. During the spring of 2006 I let the principal of the school where I was working as a classroom teacher know that I would not be returning in the fall. I asked him to keep this confidential until the end of the school year so that I would not have to discuss it with anyone. I knew that I had to resign my position and move on in my life in order to have a chance at something that would help me to achieve my life’s goals in a way that made sense to me.
This meant that I was giving up my medical benefits at the end of June that year and would then be responsible for paying for this on my own starting July 1. It also meant that I would no longer be paying into my state – California – retirement system and would not be receiving a pension when I reached retirement age.
At the very same time I began ‘giving away’ my best real estate clients. During the previous twenty years I had worked at both teaching and real estate, and many people I had done appraisals and listings for were not even aware that I had a ‘day job’. Now it was time to refer them to others within the real estate industry who could better serve their needs by being there on a full time basis whenever they had questions, needed advice, or wanted to make changes to their property portfolio. I wanted to focus on my Internet business all of my waking hours, so I was no longer the best one to work with them.
So, yes, I burned the boats and made the decision to jump into the deep part of the lake to enter the next phase of my life. I would not have done this if I had had children living at home, and I don’t recommend this to anyone who does not have a mentor to guide them along through this transition.
So, July 1 rolled around and I woke up early to begin my new life as an entrepreneur. The question was,
‘What do I do first?’
If you have had that same question as you sit in front of your computer late at night or on your day off, you are not alone. It took me months of trial and error and wasted efforts to learn exactly what to spend my time on that would bring me the results I was longing to see. Now that I can manage my time based on my expectations for my business, I can enjoy the time and financial freedom to live the life I choose.
Learning to think like an entrepreneur was a huge leap for me. As a classroom teacher I had been an employee, and in real estate I had owned my job as a small business owner. But now I had to change my thinking so that I could change my life.
Each day I woke up at work. This meant that my twenty second commute from my bedroom to my office was the only time I had away from the office. After a few days I realized that if I kept this mindset I would soon come to despise my online business for being too overwhelming. That’s when things began to change.
I created a schedule and a calendar based on an ancient principle used by entrepreneurs all over the world today. Everything began to fall into place as I went about the tasks and activities required to get my business profitable. Of course, I stumbled many times along the way, but each time I got up, dusted myself off, and moved forward towards my goals.
Imagine what a change like that could do for you. What if you could find the joy in what you are doing each day, and the possibilities for something new around every corner? What could happen for you? If you were working joyfully rather than being stressed out every day, how much more productive could you be? Imagine being the one in charge of deciding exactly how much your paycheck should be each month!
Right now you might be thinking that this program sounds like exactly what you need, but you aren’t sure what it means to be a Weekend Marketer™. This is my definition:
…then you are an entrepreneur at heart and will benefit from this program!
When you join The Weekend Marketer™ Course, we will focus on your goals for having a successful and lucrative online business.
I had heard about being able to make money ‘while you sleep’, but I never dreamed that would happen for me. Now I wake up and check my email to see which orders came in during the night, even if I am on vacation, speaking in another city, or feeling under the weather. Being able to meet all of my financial obligations ,as well as having money for the extras and to donate to my favorite charities has changed my life forever. You can do this as well, and it’s easier than you might think, once you have the blueprint and a mentor to guide you as you go.
This is a 5 Session course that will begin on Tuesday, February 19 and go for five consecutive Tuesday evenings, starting at 7 pm EST. All sessions are recorded as both a webinar replay and an mp3, giving you the choice of how you want to consume the materials.
This module is your foundation and everything else you do will build upon it.
In Session One, also referred to as Phase I, we’ll focus on planning your mindset shift and time management strategies. We’ll examine:
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This Session is on Tuesday, February 19, at 7 pm EST and will go for approximately 90 minutes.
In Session 2, also referred to as Phase II, you’ll learn how to ‘lay the foundation’ effectively. Yes, this is a very powerful tool that all successful entrepreneurs use. We’ll look at:
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This Session is on Tuesday, February 26, at 7 pm EST and will go for approximately 90 minutes.
During Session 3, also referred to as Phase III, we’ll take the ideas you’ve been generating so far and put them into practice to monetize your online business. This week, we bring it all together and explore:
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This Session is on Tuesday, March 12, at 7 pm EST and will go for approximately 90 minutes.
Session 4, also referred to as Phase IV, will teach you how to attain expert status very quickly. You’ll learn how to:
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This Session is on Tuesday, March 19, at 7 pm EST and will go for approximately 90 minutes.
The Final Session will tie all of the earlier sessions – Phases I through IV – together into a cohesive finale that will get you moving in the right direction and enable you to hit the ground running immediately. We’ll put together your Entrepreneurial Plan for the first quarter of 2013, as well as a Marketing Calendar and a Daily Schedule to make sure you get the most out of your transition into the entrepreneurial world. We’ll discuss:
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This Session is on Tuesday, March 26, at 7 pm EST and will go for approximately 90 minutes.
Now remember, I’m going to be working directly with you for all of the five class sessions, teaching you everything you need to know. I normally charge as much as $1000 an hour for my time, which would be $5,000. However, because these will be group sessions, I will be able to lower that price significantly.
I also don’t want the price to be a barrier for you to being able to learn everything you need to know about making the transition from wherever you are today – employee, small business owner, or not working at all – to becoming an online entrepreneur.
$499 is more than fair for a course of this caliber, but I am so committed to everyone being able to access and profit from their creativity that I don’t want to charge even that low price.
Before I tell you the price, let me remind you what you get:
… And so much more! (Value $9.97)
The Copy System Online Marketing Program
One of my most popular products, the Copy System breaks down online business into a simple 3 step process where you learn how to:
I sell the Copy System every day for $97
Action Enforcer for Massive Productivity
The is the ‘time-boxing’ method of productivity and time management. This program works on both MAC and Windows computers, and is responsible for my being able to manage my time more effectively than most people working today on the Internet.
This sells regularly for $27
That’s right, for only $299 you’ll receive the five live sessions, access to me via email and the bonuses worth over $130.00.
Scroll down to the “Join The Weekend Marketer ™ Course” button below and join now.
Join now and don’t miss out. Click on the “Yes, I’m Ready To Begin” button below.
After you enter your payment information, you will be taken to a thank you page. Once you do that, you will immediately get all your bonuses. You will get information on how to join each session by email each week.
YES! I want to take part in The Weekend Marketer™ Course, learn how to plan my transition from what I’m doing now to becoming an online entrepreneur, and having the time and financial freedom to live the life I deserve!
To Your Massive Online Success,
Connie Ragen Green